
Monday, December 10, 2012

Teaser Tuesday: The Return of the Monsters aka Aidan's Nephews

As a writer, you have a fondness for your characters. Some you anticipate their arrival on the scene while others just come out of thin air. That's kinda what happened with the pool scene with Aidan's nephews, or as he likes to refer to them "the monsters". These three precocious boys, John, Percy, and Georgie, just appeared, and man, were they fun to write because they were able to get under Aidan's skin where Emma was concerned.

So, it was a no brainer that I had to have them in The Proposal. Here they are getting under Aidan's skin yet again!!

“Uncle Aidan?” Percy began.

“Don’t you think you ought to marry Emma?”
Aidan jerked his head up, slamming it against trunk lid. “FUCK!” he shouted as he saw stars before his eyes. A few more expletives escaped his lips as pain raged through his skull.           
“Nice mouth you got there,” John chided.
Gritting his teeth, Aidan rubbed his aching head. “You mention that to your mom, and I’ll tell her about your ball-sack comment.”
John’s eyes widened. “Dude, that is so not cool!”
“Yeah, well, that's what blackmail is for.” Aidan started to resume gathering up the bags when he noticed Percy staring expectantly at him for an answer. Aidan sighed. “Perce—”
His blonde brows knitted together. “Don’t you love her?”
“Oh Christ,” Aidan muttered, raking his hand through his hair. He winced as pain once again shot through his head. “Did your mom put you up to this or something?”
 “No. When I asked her the same question, she just said that you were a cad.” Percy shrugged. “I don’t even know what that means.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s a dude who acts like a douchebag to women,” John said.
Aidan glared over at John. “I am not a cad!”
He held his hands up. “I didn’t say it. Mom did.”

Leave it to his sister the English professor to resort to name calling him something from the nineteenth century. He handed Percy one of the box’s from Earl and Virginia’s. “Perce, it’s complicated because—”
“You’re a cad?” John asked.
Ignoring him, Aidan said, “I was stupid and did something that hurt Emma’s feelings pretty bad. It’s going to take her some time to forgive me and let me back into her heart.”

Percy shifted the box he was carrying to one hip. “You’re having a baby with Emma, so the responsible thing to do would be to marry her,” he said sensibly.

Aidan blinked a few times at Percy. “Did I hit my head harder than I thought, or did you actually just sound like a mature adult, rather than a kid?”

Percy grinned. “Maybe. Dad always says I’m an old soul.”

Aidan laughed. “I think he called that one right.” He glanced over to John who wore an amused smirk. “Of course, anything you say has to sound light years above this one,” he said, jerking his thumb at John.


  1. i love the monsters!!!! such sweet boys!

  2. I am so ready for the sequel.
    Kids tell it like it is !

  3. I'm so ready for more Aidan and Emma.......the rest of the family and of course to see what happens with the new man trying to make his way into Emma's life.
    You're such a tease, but so damn good at it.
    Thank you!

  4. Love these kids. The don't sugarcoat their words & say what they're thinking & feeling. I cannot wait for this next book!

  5. Perfect! I love those boys. They're good for Aiden (:

  6. Those monsters are fabulous! John is a mini Aidan!

  7. Oh.. I cannot wait to buy the Proposal.... thank you for another sneak peak :)
